
Comments and Feedback on Poetry

"The words of Blake Steele shine with energy and insight." 

Naomi Shihab Nye: An American nationally honored Poet and Author


“Blake is a good seer. He carries the sky with him."

Richard Rohr OFM: Author & International Speaker 


Sometimes you remind me of Walt Whitman…really, such power, and passion. You are lyrically imposing in your free verse and feeling, with such tenderness… and a toughness that is your stern mind.

Rosa Cobbs, Spain


Your verse fills me, and I feel expansive and lighter and more connected when I travel with you… You are a gift, Blake.

Linda R., USA


Review on Goodreads of Wild Sanity by Blake Steele

Blake's poetry holds the breath of life and it fills the heart and senses as you read it. These poems flow freely into the soul and a sense of joy and elation fills the senses. These words are not just words, they are the very language of God translated in poetry.

Barbara Luxford


Profound work, Blake; As I read your potent words, I feel the life, the essence pervading all things, elevating all that is and making existence possible; I feel it closer in this moment of awareness; I feel alive…connected….reminded.

Miles, USA


When I lose sight of the pathway, I read your words and find my footing once again.

Melody, USA


Ah Blake, you delight my soul…. yes!!!! I salute your living hungry thriving explosive gentle tender, seeing, heart… You, definitely, sip the light of stars…

Karen Kotze, Poet, South Africa


You are a master – you paint the most beautifully vivid images with words.

Jonathan, South Africa


I must tell you, Dear Amazing Man, I have some of your recordings in my little ipod thingy I walk around with - and I hear your soulful poetry everyday I walk around this beautiful city, and forest where I live - and every time I hear one, I hear more - I must push repeat - eloquent truths, speaking to my heart and soul! I say YES YES YES! to each and every one of them. So - Thank you - though that could hardly suffice for all that your words do give me.

Nina Smusyn-Rote


I do not know anybody who masters the English language in such a beautiful poetic and spiritual manner as you do. 

Majbritte Ulrkkeholm: Singer, Author, Denmark


What I just read was the most beautiful thing I have ever read... its breathtaking........ beautiful brother, I want to kneel down and thank you from all of my being... you words are healing something in me and touching me deeply.... I see GOD in you........  thank you thank you thank you for letting your light shine.

Maria, Sweden


I have heard it said the task of The Poet is to describe the indescribable so that the less lyrically gifted get to feel God; well you Sir, are like the one that threads the eye of the smallest needle and puts people in touch with whole new aspects of themselves... a modern day Sage no less!

Pete Wilson, Sweden 


Your words can make a person fly with joy, dance with the wind and cry from the deepest part of the soul. My thanks to you for sharing all that you have in your fantastic mind and heart.

Annie Banzali, Medford, Oregon


This one (poem) went right through my Heart like a Golden Sword. Thank You Deeply.

Bente, Norway


...grandissimo... your words are like... the focus point of the flame... beautiful and burning of LOVE.

Jozef, Netherland


You know, every so often I read a poem and it slams into me, like the electricity in a lightening bolt or the passing shudder of a freight train, it resonates with a vibration all its own……THIS is one of those poems…..thank you for sharing it. I feel i must read it over and over until it becomes part of me.

Lisa, USA


He is a magician. Beauty beyond beauty arising from his soul. And he paints with a sacred brush on the canvas of my heart.

Zuleikha Annika, Poet, Poland


I have printed a lot of your poems and journals that especially speak to me, and carry them around almost everyday. I am falling deeply in love with the open sky, the mountains, the sun and the wind, the rain, flowers and trees. They do speak another language; one my heart is learning to speak, too. Thank you so much. You are a huge personal blessing to me. Your inspiration reaches people here in Taipei.

Lanie, Taipei, Taiwan


Teacher—I love the way you see the world and make us feel it.

Sass, USA




Comments and Feedback on The Wild Christ Nobody Owns novel

This is so beautiful, I cannot stop reading it—at first gulping it down like a favorite common drink. Then, reading again, one phrase behind another…a sip of rare tea , burning the tongue and sliding past teeth to the place where satisfaction dwells.

Vincent, Australia


Blake, this had me in tears…deeply heartfelt…STUNNING write and artistry! Thank you for being such a beautiful soul!

Lisameryl, USA


Please: Read the book! It is so important! And inspirational. It includes a very special perspective of truth about Jesus! Even if the traditional presentation of Jesus does not catch your interest - this book will! I am a priest in the Swedish Church (Lutheran) and I invite you to share a new understanding of "the founder of Christianity".

Gösta Tingström, Sweden


I have finished The Wild Christ and from beginning to end I have been enlightened lifted and healed. This is beautiful.... Truly, truly spiritual and divine… I feel like a well of living water has been dripped slowly over every inch of my being. I don’t feel ashamed any more to feel sensual & sexy... to embrace my body with a gentle laughter knowing I am loved and cherished.

Donna Lindsay, UK


The Wild Christ has become like a catalyst for something that was long coming and preparing itself for me…. I know I will not be thinking about things in the same way as I used to ever again.

Anna Morraova, Australia


Blake Steele has managed to write a very rich book about the life of Christ - and a page-turner although we all know the story. I loved the parts where sexuality and spirituality come together in such sweet innocence - beautifully described and inspiring for all of us. I simply could not put the book down - surprisingly interesting and exciting. Thank you!

Eva Sanner, Author and couples’ therapist, Sweden


I read some in Your wonderful book everyday and its a precious delight – it’s really food for the Soul - its poetry in a whole book - so beautiful!! Thank You again.

Light and Love, Mahima, Sweden


“I have the warmest feeling of being steeped in LOVE when I read it. It is a treasure chest.”

Linda Lovett


"The Wild Christ" novel is soooo beautiful! thank you from the heart of hearts for this love!

Sky Akasha Tobias, Bali


Through these wildly radiating words your own heart shines back at you, reminding you of your true nature.

Glenna, Ireland


Just finished The Wild Christ and I have to say it is among the top books I have read in this lifetime. I cried to re-unite with the Christ truth that I always knew was true. Your representation of Jesus resonates with me so deeply. 

Adam, USA


I truly love the way you speak of God, and Jesus. I could sit and listen to you all day. Believe it or not you reminded me of things I already knew but perhaps needed to be reminded…Thank you so much… I love the poetry and the stories. The Wild Christ reclaimed my Faith over a year ago.

Kyle Bryan Moore, USA


The Wild Christ energy is an untamed, courageous love-force I think we all would benefit from having more contact with within our everyday life. I was left with a warm tingling sensation in my heart and a big Thank You and Gratefulness both to the Author, the Wild Christ and the Creator himself. My ideas about Love was really expanded through reading this book and I started to taste an unconditional part that I haven't been much in contact with before. So thank you again for this beautiful Love story of Life!

Annica, Sweden, Wild Christ Amazon Review

Comments On The Spiritual Vision Series

I was tremendously blessed by your spiritual growth series. One in particular. Thank you for answering God's call and being a blessing to humanity.

Florence Okocha, Nigeria


Thank you for reminding me of God's unconditional love.

From Ireland


I just finished reading your beautiful set of spiritual vision series and am so excited about your style of writing which is so transforming. We are missionaries in Nigeria working with the internally displaced persons due to the Islamist insurgency in the North east of Nigeria. I will love to read your book Radical forgiveness to the children. They have become so traumatized witnessing and seeing their parents and loved ones killed. God blessings rest on you  and yours.

Sincerely in His grip


I thank you for your beautiful books. To look at all the wonderful photography makes me joyful and stronger in the spirit. You have a beautiful mind - thank you for giving us your joy.

From Denmark


I work as a pastoral caregiver in a Community Aged Care Organization in Sydney Australia. Many of our clients are socially disadvantaged and isolated... One client is struggling with alcohol addiction, isolation, schizophrenia and the breakup of his marriage. He is losing hope. Through your book God is helping this man to see beauty again.

From Australia


You are a true wordsmith… you fill a page with emotion… your pen is a mighty one and I’m so glad you use it for one and all.

Roger Sampson, USA