Open, Innocent & Free in Love

Pink Tantra is pure Divine Love as subtle energy bathing you in a liquid flow. It is a recovery of your long lost Original Innocence and with it a happy playfulness of mind. It is transformation from a stress based physical chemistry into the comforting Oxytocin chemistry of Love. And best of all, it is the radiance of your own Light Body Essence illuminating and healing you to be consciously connected to the infinite and eternal Light and Love that frees and empowers you to be the best and most authentic version of all that you can be.
It includes the highest, transformational teachings of Eastern & Western spiritualities refined into simple, child-like practices. Like a flower grows, it unfolds you by the power of Life from within. It is joyous—and yes, even fun—being super pleasurable. Through a simple progression of easy exercises that build upon each other you can track your own real developmental progress day by day. And as the sublime powers of Unconditional Love flow ever more freely through your body, mind, & sexually ecstatic natures they melt away old blockages—cleansing, rejuvenating, and transforming your life.
Blake's Teaching
Blake has over 57 years of experience in the Spiritual Journey with a background in the Christ-centered Spiritual Movement of the 60s, the essence of Taosim's Qigong and Niedan, Mindfulness & Meditation, the Light and inspiration of Love-crazed poets and mystics, & Pink Tantra. He is currently one of the main teachers of Pink Tantra in the West, having worked since 2012 to fuse the essence of the higher, spiritual purposes of Tantra with the simplicity and clarity of Taoism's Neidan Three Treasures Alchemical Practices, and the ecstatic aspects of Raja, and Kriya Yoga's Kechari mudra, and to make this energetically enhanced fusion simple, clear and fully accessible to Western Culture, teaching both in on-line classes and through workshops in Scandinavia and Asia.